Experience the deep holistic healing of your body mind and soul, through the powers of plant medicine.

Unlocking Transformation:

The Profound Benefits of Ayahuasca



At our sanctuary, we intentionally limit our session size to a maximum of 6-8 participants to cultivate an atmosphere of intimacy and focused attention. This approach allows our experienced guides to offer personalised help, energy healing, and protection, creating a safe and sacred space for each individual. By maintaining smaller group dynamics, we prioritise the well-being of our participants, ensuring that everyone receives tailored support for their unique journey. This deliberate choice reflects our commitment to providing a transformative experience, where individuals can explore healing, self-discovery, and personal growth in a supportive and nurturing environment.




A complete cleansing of the physical body is an essential preparation for the new level of emerging consciousness as well as removal of blockages in the body due to physical traumas.


Persistent negative thinking patterns are the fuel for chronic depression and anxiety disorders. Distorted views and opinions about yourself can and do create a very toxic environment in the heart and mind.


Emotions such as fear, grief, rage, loss, jealousy, greed and a very deep sense of emptiness and death coupled with a deep longing to be free or to find meaning, can make life to a painful experience.


Negative things can get stuck in our energy systems and lead to energetic imbalances which are often the cause of our mental suffering and dissatisfaction with life. A negative experience of any kind leaves an energetic imprint that builds up over time into a heavy residue.


Plant medicine increases blood perfusion in specific parts of the brain. The effects of plant medicine are related to introspection and emotional processing.




Purging, urinating and defecating is a way to let go of what no longer serves you as well as laughing, crying, jawning and sweating.


Your sight, smell, hearing, touch and taste can be enhanced and fluctuations in body temperature, blood pressure, pulse and breathing can change.


You can see colours, geometric patterns, the universe, people from your past or present, etc. It can also be like a very fast movie with lots of events and information.


Expressing yourself and being emotional is the key to letting go of what no longer serves you. You can feel happy, angry, sad, etc.


You can have a lot of thoughts. Your ego speaks to you because it doesn't like to lose control. But in the end, the ego will lose, but for some it can be an uphill battle.

A key component of the Plant Medicine experience is the process of purification through shedding your layers and letting go of everything that weighs you down.



What to expect before, during and after a ceremony.

  • Prior to entering the ceremony, we facilitate a discussion and question-and-answer session to ensure participants feel informed and comfortable. This pre-ceremony interaction allows individuals to address any concerns, seek clarification, and gain a better understanding of the upcoming experience. It serves as a valuable opportunity for participants to openly discuss intentions, expectations, and any specific needs they may have. Additionally, this dedicated time provides individuals with the chance to mentally and emotionally prepare for the ceremony ahead, fostering a supportive and collaborative environment. Our aim is to create a space where everyone feels ready and at ease before embarking on their transformative journey.

    Our ceremony preparation is a deliberate and respectful process, acknowledging the transformative power of the plant. Beginning with guided breathing and meditation, the journey proceeds to a collective prayer. Afterward, the MAO inhibitor, the first part of the ayahuasca, is consumed. Participants then set their intentions for the experience. At this point, individuals have the option to partake in a Hape ceremony, an additional ritual before the DMT is consumed, designed to deepen the journey. This choice reflects our commitment to individualized experiences, respecting personal preferences. A brief toilet break follows, ensuring participants approach each phase of this spiritual exploration with intentional mindfulness.

  • During the Ayahuasca ceremony, music plays a crucial role in guiding and enhancing the transformative experience. The ceremony typically spans around 5 hours, creating a deeply immersive journey for participants. Throughout this duration, there are opportunities to drink Ayahuasca approximately every 40 minutes, allowing individuals to connect with the plant medicine at intervals.

    To ensure the safety and well-being of participants, experienced facilitators are present at all times during the ceremony. These facilitators play a crucial role in creating a secure environment, providing support, guidance, and assistance as needed. Their presence enhances the sense of safety, allowing participants to surrender to the experience with trust and confidence.

    The carefully curated musical accompaniment serves as a powerful facilitator, influencing the emotional and spiritual dimensions of the experience. The music, often consisting of traditional and ceremonial songs, contributes to the creation of a sacred and supportive atmosphere. It helps guide participants through the different stages of the Ayahuasca journey, providing a sonic framework for introspection, healing, and connection with the inner self.

    After approximately 2.5 hours, there is a halftime break, allowing participants to rest and integrate their experiences. This intermission serves as a reflective pause, allowing individuals to process their journey thus far.

    The ceremony concludes after a total of 5 hours. The concluding phase is marked by a sense of closure and completion, with the music gently guiding participants back to a grounded state. This structured approach, incorporating music, timed intervals for Ayahuasca consumption, and a halftime break, aims to provide a supportive and intentional space for each participant's unique journey within the Ayahuasca experience.

  • Following the Ayahuasca ceremony, our commitment to your well-being extends beyond the ceremony itself. Facilitators remain with you until everyone has safely landed and completed their journey, providing continuous support during the transition from the heightened states of the ceremony to a more grounded state. Whether you choose to rest on your bed or engage in post-ceremony reflections, our team is dedicated to ensuring a safe and supportive environment as you navigate the concluding phases of your Ayahuasca experience.

    • Once the ceremony concludes, nourishing food is provided to replenish and ground participants further. This post-ceremony meal is thoughtfully designed to support physical recovery and integration, contributing to the overall well-being of participants.

      Afterward, participants have the option to either sleep in the ceremony room or return to their accommodations, depending on personal preferences and the available facilities. This flexibility allows individuals to choose the environment that best aligns with their post-ceremony needs, ensuring a comfortable and restful transition.

      The following day typically includes a sharing session, providing a space for participants to reflect on and discuss their experiences if they choose to do so. This sharing session contributes to the integration process, allowing participants to gain insights and support from the group setting.

      As the experience concludes, a respectful and heartfelt farewell marks the end of the journey. Our team ensures that every participant leaves with a sense of closure and gratitude for the transformative and sacred space they have shared. The post-ceremony support and structured activities contribute to a holistic and intentional approach to the Ayahuasca experience, fostering a sense of community and mutual understanding.



Consider these indicators to determine if you might be an ideal participant for Ayahuasca:

  1. Keen to Understand Life and Its Meaning:

    • Ayahuasca ceremonies attract individuals seeking to unravel the real meaning and purpose of life.

    • Participants gradually discover what is beneficial or detrimental to their lives, understanding the deeper characteristics of human nature.

  2. Aware That Ayahuasca Is Not a Drug but a Healing Medicinal Brew:

    • Despite its psychoactive effects, Ayahuasca is emphasized as a herbal composition devoid of addictive qualities.

    • Known by various names such as caapi, hoasca, or Daime tea, Ayahuasca helps improve various dimensions of life without imposing addictive effects.

  3. Enjoys Reflecting Upon Decisions:

    • Ayahuasca is suggested for those who grapple with daily decisions, especially life-changing ones.

    • During ceremonial experiences, participants have the opportunity to decide on their futures and revisit past decisions for liberation.

  4. Ready to Let Go of the Haunting Past and Repressed Memories:

    • Ayahuasca proves beneficial in dealing with stress, depression, and panic attacks.

    • Effective in repressed memories and past life regression therapy, Ayahuasca facilitates emotional recovery from traumatic pasts.

  5. Ready to Feel Vulnerable and Meet Your Inner Self:

    • For those questioning their life's direction amid daily chaos, Ayahuasca ceremonies offer a chance to reconnect with the inner self.

    • Participants attain spirituality, peace, calmness, and a positive attitude, discovering their true selves and channeling hidden potentials.

It's important to note that every Ayahuasca experience is unique, with variations even among the same individuals during different ceremonies. If any of the above points resonate with you, consider yourself ready to embark on the transformative journey of Ayahuasca.

At Chandra, we offer the best Ayahuasca experience in a serene, nature-filled setting. Our experienced facilitators will guide you on how to use this special brew, unlocking its associated benefits. To learn more about our Ayahuasca retreat, get in touch with us today!



Adherence to a strict diet is a test of discipline and commitment and demonstrates to the spirit of Mother Ayahuasca the seriousness of your intention. Some of the dietary restrictions also have clear scientific evidence that they are essential for safety. We recommend that you start the diet at least 2 weeks before the healing ceremony and continue the diet for at least 2 weeks after.

  • • Salt, pepper, and spicy seasonings (recommended to have a small intake of salt every few days)

    • Sugar and sweets

    • Fizzy drinks (including diet sodas)

    • Caffeine & Alcohol

    • Pork and red meat

    • Smoked and aged fish

    • Oils and fats (OK to use sparingly)

    • Hot peppers

    • Ice, ice cream, or ice cold drink

    • Dairy, including cheese, milk based products

    • Vinegar, sauerkraut, and other pickled foods

    • Tofu, soy sauce, and other fermented foods

    • Processed and canned foods

  • • No recreational drugs, including synthetic, semi-synthetic, or psychedelic.

    • Most prescription drugs are restricted (please let us know if you are currently taking any medication, especially antidepressants or antibiotics).

    • No sexual activities of any kind, including masturbation.

    •A modern dieta (includes a fast from television, radio, mass media, and advertising).

    • Ayahuasca is not compatible with pregnancy.

    For more information please visit our medical guidelines.



At Chandra Healing Center, we recognise the paramount importance of safety and well-being in the Ayahuasca journey. Our commitment extends to a comprehensive approach designed to safeguard the participants throughout the entire process. Prospective attendees undergo a thorough pre-retreat screening to ensure their medical suitability for the Ayahuasca experience before joining the retreat.

Throughout the retreat, our ceremonies are led by experienced facilitators, who have undergone extensive traditional training. Complementing their expertise, our team includes facilitators with years of experience working with Ayahuasca, trained to cultivate a safe and supportive environment for participants. Furthermore, our integration specialists, who are trauma-informed, are available to provide guidance and support at every stage—before, during, and after the ceremony.

Our dedication to preparation is evident in the emphasis on following a proper diet before the ceremony. This dietary guidance is aimed at creating essential emptiness in your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies, preparing you for the Ayahuasca experience. Adhering to a supportive diet minimises the risks of potential interactions between Ayahuasca and certain foods and substances, optimising your physical and mental well-being and maximising the ceremony's benefits.

While Ayahuasca holds the potential for profound personal growth and self-transformation, it demands a cautious approach. By engaging with experienced and knowledgeable shamans and support staff, seeking guidance from integration professionals, following a proper diet, and preparing for potential challenges, you can mitigate risks and enhance the positive outcomes of your Ayahuasca experience with Chandra




For the vast majority of people, plant medicine is completely safe. However, there are rare cases where it is not as safe due to certain medical conditions and pharmaceutical medications. Certain drugs and medications have been found to be incompatible with plant medicine. It is important that you discontinue the following substances at least 6 weeks prior to the ceremony.

  • • Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors (MAOIs)

    • Central Nervous System (CNS) Depressants (and sleeping pills)

    • Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs)

    • Anti-hypertensives (blood pressure medications)

    • Other Anti-Depressants

    • Antibiotics

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  • • Cannabis

    • Amphetamines

    • Cocaine

    • Ecstasy

    • Any psychedelic drugs

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  • Decongestants, cold medications, allergy medications, antihistamines, sedatives, tranquilizers, amphetamines (including Adderall), some hypertensive medications, sympathomimetic amines (including pseudoephedrine and ephedrine), carbamazipine, methylphemidate (Ritalin), macromerine, phenelanine, tyrosine, tryptophan, asarone/calamus, some asthma inhalers, and diet pills.

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  • • Borderline disorders

    • Bipolar disorders

    • Psychosis

    • Schizophrenia

    • Family history of mental health problems

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  • • Chronic high blood pressure

    • Heart conditions

    • Diabetes

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